Saint Michel, France. Photo by Cristina Nascimento
Olive orchard of Il Pogliano farm, Italy
AFINET at Feira Nacional de Agricultura
Santarém, Portugal
AFINET people planting trees near Brussels
Photo by Joana Amaral Paulo
Belgium RAIN meeting
Forest Europe workshop, Hungary
Cabuxa Natur goat farm
Guntín, Spain
AFINET consortium field visit, in Poland
Hosted by a polish proud farmer (left), over his landscape
Sweet cherry in combination with vegetables on an organic farm
North Western Switzerland. Photo by Felix Herzog
Biodiverse, organic farm Herdade dos Lagos
Mértola, Portugal. Photo by Ana Tomás
Cannerheugh Farm - creating new hedgerows for livestock shelter in Cumbria
Farmers Paul and Nic Renison use mob grazing techniques to improve the productivity of their farm. They have been planting new trees and hedges across their farm to increase shelter for their flock and to reduce lamb loss.