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News and Events


During the last years several research projects by Latvian State Forest Research Institute “Silava” have been initiated indirectly aimed to estimate benefits of agroforestry systems in hemiboreal Latvia, especially in the context of climate change mitigation and bioeconomy.



Van Hall Larenstein university is offering 6 fellowships to join the Master Agricultural production Chain Management with the specialisation Agroforestry Value Chains, next school year (Fall 2021).


The French Agroforestry Mixed Technological Network (RMT AgroforesterieS) running from 2014 to 2019 is reborn for a new five years period (2021-2025). 





Patrick Van Damme, a professor of tropical agronomy at Ghent University beloved by my Belgian colleagues at ICRAF,  has become the first ever foreign national to be named Dean of a faculty at CZU, the Czech University of Life Sciences.

Model-driven experimentation in agroforestry
Duration: 6 months (May-October or June-November 2021)

EURAF congratulates Germany for the adoption of the motion as an important step for a sustainable agriculture in Germany.


The project “DOMINO” has been carried out to improve the long-term sustainability and the ecological foot print of intensive organic fruit orchards by introducing the use of “dynamic” living mulch species as an agroecological approach in the management of the row and inter-row soil.


The Commission has made recommendations to all 27 Member States as its contribution to the national “structured dialogues” they are engaged in to prepare their CAP Strategic Plans. Read on EURAF response to the Commission. 


On the 22th of January 2021, the sixth Permaculture, Agroforestry and Traditional Fruit Growing conference was held on an online platform organized jointly by the Hungarian Permaculture Association, Hungarian Agroforestry Network and the Carpathian Network of Traditional Fruit Growers.


A hedgerow system, known under the name “Knicks”, established from the mid-18th century onwards, with a total length of about 45,000 km today, shapes the interior of Schleswig-Holstein more than any other landscape feature.


The Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality commissioned to draw up a Master Plan in an attempt to understand the obstacles of agroforestry development and the need to know which stakeholders need to act.


In Lelystad (The Netherlands), Wageningen University & Research is starting the first large-scale (15 ha) multidisciplinary research facility for agroforestry.


On the 9th December the English Rural Payments Agency clarified its rules for basic payments to agroforestry systems. The rules state that full eligibility is given to three three design. Read more here !


"There has been three Christmas good news for agroforestry !" says Gerry LAWSON. So, let's read this article!


As our planet is changing more rapidly than it has in many millions of years, are our schools still fit for purpose? A guest contribution by Tremeur Denigot, a former teacher currently advising the European Joint research Centre on educational questions.


Adolfo Rosati and Darcy Gordon, a husband and wife team who run a wonderful agroforestry farm called Località il Piano in Umbria, Italy, received a call from Etienne Compagnon seeking to feature their farm on their new podcast series, "the regenerative agroforestry podcast"





2021 saw a crucial development for global agroforestry: finally, IUAF, the international union of agroforestry, moved from idea to reality in that it secured the wonderful support of the government of the Czech Republic, following which its board decided that its headquarters would be established in Prague. 


An expert online workshop on agroforestry was held on 16.12.2020., within the framework of EURAKNOS project. The event was organized by the National Agrarian Chamber, the Forest Research Institute, the Cooperative Research Center of the University of Sopron, and Zsörk Foundation. 


Earlier this month the Farm Woodland Forum (UK) held a less formal online meeting to share practitioner experiences on the use of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) as an agroforestry species. 





Three days fully packed with agroforestry policy issues: "Agroforestry and the Green Architecture of the New CAP" took place between the 16th and 18th of November 2020, kindly hosted by the yearly initiative "Inauguration of the Forestry Year" of the Sardinia Region, Italy.