Wild asparagus in traditional olive orchard at CRA OLI Spoleto, Italy
Photo by Adolfo Rosati
Polish RAIN meeting
AFINET people planting trees near Brussels
Photo by Joana Amaral Paulo
AFINET consortium field visit, in Poland
Hosted by a polish proud farmer (left), over his landscape
Holm oak, pasture + turkey
Foros de Vale Figueira, Portugal by João Palma
AFINET at Feira Nacional de Agricultura
Santarém, Portugal
Authochtonous goat breed (Serpentina) grazing under Holm oak (Quercus rotundifolia)
SouthEast Portugal. by João Palma
AFINET consortium field visit
Auch, France. Photo by Cristina Nascimento
Olive orchard of Il Pogliano farm, Italy
AFINET UK first workshop - Tree Fodder
In May 2017, Organic Research Centre held the first AFINET UK Workshop. Sharing Knowledge, improving practice and enhancing livelihoods were the aims of the meeting.