De AFINET-partners zijn universiteiten/organisaties uit negen Europese landen en één internationale organisatie.
De projectcoördinator is Rosa Mosquera Losada, van Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
USC - Universidad de Santiago de Compostela - Coordinator (Spain) |
ORC - Organic Research Centre (UK) |
EV ILVO - Institute for Agricultural and Fischeries Research (Belgium) |
ISA - Instituto Superior de Agronomia (Portugal) |
IUNG-PIB - Institute of Soil Science an Plant Cultivation (Poland) |
INAGRO (Belgium) |
SoE-KKK - University of Sopron Cooperational Research Centre Nonprofit Ltd (Hungary) |
ABACUS Agriculture (UK) |
CNR-IRET - Istituto di Ricerca sugli Ecosistemi Terrestri (Italy) |
EURAF - European Agroforestry Federation |
AFAF - Association Française d' Agroforestrie (France) |
FEUGA - Fundación Empresa-Universidad Gallega (Spain) |
EFI - European Forest Institute (Finland) |