

01 Do hedges help control pests and diseases in vineyards?

The grapevine moth causes important losses to vineyard owners: the larvae perforate the grapes and help spread diseases. By doing so, they reduce the yield, but also increase the likeliness of grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) and acid mould (flies).

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02 Mushroom cultivation

For many of the more than 600 thousand private forest owners in Finland, forestry is an additional source of income. However, the income generated from harvesting smalldiameter trees during thinning is quite low and amounts to just a couple of euros per tree. Active mushroom cultivation in forests can markedly increase the earnings from forests. 

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03 Walnoot trees (Juglans regia) in agroforestry

De gewone walnoot (Juglans regia) wordt geteeld in grote delen van Europa. De boom staat algemeen bekend om hun groot marktpotentieel. De voedzame noten en het kwalitatief hout zijn hoog aangeschreven producten en de marktvraag is navenant. Zuid-Europese landen en Europese Mediterrane landen zijn de leiders op de Europese markt, terwijl de VS en China de belangrijkste spelers zijn op wereldschaal. Commerciële walnootteelt is vrij zeldzaam in Vlaanderen en het overgrote deel van de noten wordt geïmporteerd.

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04 Het inpassen van tamme kastanje in een belgisch agroforestry-systeem

Kastanjebomen worden al eeuwenlang geteeld in Europa voor hun vruchten en/of hout. Bergachtige streken in het zuiden zijn traditioneel de grootste producenten in Europa. Rendabele kastanjeplantages verspreiden zich echter steeds meer noordelijk naar minder ruwe landschappen. Kastanjeteelt blijft in onze regio weliswaar nog steeds een eerder zeldzaam gegeven.

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05 Opslag en gebruik van regenwater in mediterrane silvopastorale systemen

Indedrogeregio’svanhetMiddellandseZeegebiedvormt de beschikbaarheid van water een belangrijk probleem. Dit probleem wordt nog groter in de huidige tijden van klimaatverandering. Aanbeveling van praktijken en hulpmiddelen inzake duurzaam waterbeheer zijn hier aan de orde.

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06 Windsingels en windkeringen

Wind kan een negatieve invloed hebben op gewassen en dieren door een directe of indirecte impact op mechanische of fysiologische processen gerelateerd aan microklimaat en bodem.

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07 Agroforestry contributes to circular bioeconomy

Economic growth has usually been at the expense of the environment. The need to change our development to a more sustainable economic model, makes bioeconomy to be part of the solution to address some of the most eminent European and global challenges: climate change, biodiversity loss, forest fires, the ocean plastic…

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08 Using olive leaves by-products in grazed orchards

Olive leaves are fibrous with a low digestibility, especially in crude protein, and they promote very poor rumen fermentation. However, if adequately supplemented, they may be successfully used in animal diets mostly fresh when the nutritive value of olive tree leaves is greater.

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09 New bio-products and innovative value chain from olive processing

Traditional olive orchards account for a large share of the area under olives in the EU, particularly in marginal areas. Traditional olive growing can survive only by improving olive farmer incomes and recognizing its multifunctional role.

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10 Beheer van de boomstrook in agroforestry-systemen

In een silvocultureel agroforestryperceel is er altijd een bepaalde zone onder de boomkruinen (bv. stroken land onder de boomrijen in alley cropping), waar het moeilijk is om de hoofdteelt te verbouwen. Dat noemen we de boomstrook. Deze zones kunnen echter verschillende belangrijke functies hebben: i) bescherming van de bomen tegen mogelijke schade door bijvoorbeeld landbouwvoertuigen, (ii) toegang verlenen tot de bomenrij voor het onderhoud van de bomen of fruitoogst, (iii) een reeks ecologische functies, zoals het creëren van een habitat en voedselvoorziening voor nuttige biodiversiteit.

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11 Een gediversifieerd bedrijf en beter milieu dankzij alley cropping

Alley cropping, of het planten van bomenrijen in akkerbouw- of groentepercelen, is een innovatief idee en het overwegen waard voor landbouwers zoekend naar een extra inkomen op lange termijn en een manier om de ecologische veerkracht van hun systeem te vergroten.

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12 Vers of ingekuild boomvoer en voeding

Over het algemeen zijn verse of ingekuilde (of gedroogde) bladeren en twijgen goede voedingsbronnen en hebben ze meer te bieden dan grassen die in dezelfde omgeving worden geteeld. Bomen zijn ook een goede bron van micronutriënten, waaronder vitaminen en vooral mineralen.

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13 Bomen voor schaduw, beschutting, overleving en lichaamsverzorging

Een silvopastoraal systeem biedt landbouwdieren beschutting in de winter en schaduw in de zomer. Bovendien kunnen de dieren de bomen ook gebruiken om tegenaan te schuren. Het gedrag van landbouwdieren kan worden ingedeeld in de toestanden beweging, moederschap, voeding, voortplanting, sociaal en rust.

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14 Productieve invulling van de boomstrook

Bomen planten in akkerbouw- of groentepercelen betekent dat er minder land is voor de jaarlijkse productie; afhankelijk van het ontwerp van het systeem kan dit tot 25% van het teeltareaal uitmaken.

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15 Agroforestry and agricultural policy definitions

Agroforestry has been recognized by international organisms (FAO, UN, EU) as a sustainable land management system, that is not extensively used in temperate areas. One of the main reasons for this fact is the lack of knowledge of agroforestry by different types of stakeholders such as policy makers, farmers and general public.

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16 Het belang van begrazing van struikvegetaties

Bomen planten in akkerbouw- of groentepercelen betekent dat er minder land is voor de jaarlijkse productie; afhankelijk van het ontwerp van het systeem kan dit tot 25% van het teeltareaal uitmaken.

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17 Silvopasture

Silvopasture represents the 85% of the agroforestry practices in Europe, being the most extended among other agroforestry practices (silvoarable, riparian buffer strips, forest farming and homegardens). Silvopasture is a practice that can be associated to sustainable grassland management mainly located in the South and North of Europe, that provides enormous advantages to reduce livestock production costs.

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18 Beheer van hagen en heggen in teken van brandhoutproductie

Ross Dickinson, landbouwer en leverancier van hout als brandstof in Dorset, legt uit. “Ik gooide het beheer van één van mijn hagen om van jaarlijks snoeien met een klepelmaaier naar het laten uitgroeien en éénmaal per 15 jaar kappen voor brandhout.

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19 Samenwerking als sleutel voor een succesvol agroforestry-systeem

De meeste bestaande agroforestry-systemen op Britse boerderijen werden opgestart door landbouwers die ofwel de landeigenaar of pachter zijn. Het ontbreekt veel landbouwers echter aan (a) tijd en gespecialiseerde kennis om bomen te planten en verzorgen en (b) het kapitaal om te investeren in bomen, vooral bij opstart van een nieuw bedrijf.

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20 Agroforestry practice in agricultural lands

Conventional farming systems developed in arable farms can be associated to a reduced provision of ecosystem services and, at the end, to a reduced crop production due to soil fertility decrease. Food quality is compromised in conventional farming systems by the use of herbicides and pesticides that are causing increasing human health problems.

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21 Hedgerows and isolated trees role in Europe

Agroforestry is a sustainable land use system that is directly supported by the Greening and in the Pillar II of the CAP (Measure 8.2). It can be also indirectly recognized in other parts of the CAP such as the cross-compliance or conditionality, where environment preservation is promoted.

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22 Production of medicinal plants in agroforestry systems

The laurel (bay laurel, sweet, bay, true laurel, Greek laurel, laurel tree) is a woody plant linked to the Mediterranean region, distributing in the Iberian Peninsula mainly in humid and shady ravines of the coastal regions, both Mediterranean and Atlantic. Laurel is a plant easy to grow, with a possibility of establishment as silvoarable or as a silvopasture practices and a potentially broad market

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23 Medicinale en culinaire planten in agroforestrysystemen

Vlier is een houtige plant die van nature over bijna heel Europa voorkomt en dit vooral op koelere, heldere standplaatsen en randen van vooral loofbossen met vochtige en rijke bodem ongeacht hun chemische eigenschappen.

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24 Iris cultivation in traditional olive groves

Italy imports most medicinal plants from Eastern European countries, the Far East and Latin America. For this reason, in our region, the cultivation of medicinal plants is particularly interesting and innovative. In Europe, France is the reference country for this type of production, while in Italy the cultivation of medicinal herbs has always been relegated to marginal areas because the flat areas have traditionally been used for more profitable crops.

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25 Vineyards associated with trees as living supports

In Italy and Portugal, as well as in many European countries, there are several examples of traditional agroforestry practices. These practices were common in many rural areas until the introduction of intensive agriculture practices. Currently such systems can play a role as an example of the historical evolution of agriculture because their presence is limited due to the high labour demand, difficulty to mechanise and the limited production in comparison to specialized vineyards.

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26 CAP and agroforestry

Agricultural lands in Europe are associated to intensive farming systems that reduce the delivery of ecosystem services (ES). Agroforestry (AF) should be strongly supported by the CAP as a sustainable land management option that provides market and non-market goods and services that address societal goals. Governments need to develop policies and actions that foster AF within an EU policy framework.

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27 Agroforestry, CAP aims and sustainable development goals

In Europe, agriculture generates 44 million jobs in the food chain, provides food security for 500 million consumers, and stewards 48% of EU Land. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is the main policy driver for agriculture in Europe and aims to provide not just food for European citizens (Cork 2.0 Declaration) but also compliance with global strategic policies such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (United Nations, 2015).

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28 Wool, wild fruit and what else?

A key characteristic trait of agroforestry systems is diversity. Wood pastures are primarily known for the diversification of grazing land, they take advantage of the different conditions provided by the trees and form a mosaic of habitats managed less intensively. Besides providing shade, another important feature that trees offer is their role in nutritional supplementation. 

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29 Beef cattle in agroforestry systems

One of the difficulties to sustainable maintain livestock based on grasslands is to provide appropriate solution for feeding the animals throughout the year. By the end of the pasture growing season, the nutritional value of the grass is low as a result of the summer drought. Under current climate change conditions, the risk of unpredictable and adverse weather conditions is increasing.

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30 Edible homegardens

Homegardens are primarily or entirely perennial polycultures, containing at least three identifiable vertical layers of food-bearing plants including trees, shrubs and perennial herbaceous understory. They are characterized by a multitude of sizes, shapes and habitats, from rural to urban, from wooded landscape to dense forest (Jacke and Toensmeier 2011).

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31 Snoei van fruitbomen

Hagen en houtkanten maken deel uit van het Franse landschap. Deze houtige elementen vormen het typische ‘bocagelandschap’ (een weidelandschap onderverdeeld in kleine percelen door hagen en houtkanten en met verspreide boomgaarden).

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32 Rotational cattle grazing in traditional orchards

Traditional orchards are valuable elements of rural landscapes and sources of income for smallholders., almost 3000 local apples varieties still exist in Central Europe alone. They are naturally resistant to frost, diseases, pests and each provides a unique taste and healthy values. Value-added income can be improved by integrating livestock grazing activities.

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33 Geschikte variëteiten voor fruit- en notenproductie in agroforestry

Bij de aanleg van agroforestrypercelen wordt regelmatig opnieuw gekozen voor een teeltcombinatie met hoogstamfruitof notenbomen. Denk aan appel, peer, kers, kriek, perzik, abrikoos, mispel, amandel, walnoot, hazelnoot, kastanje en vele andere opties.

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34 Valorisatie van walnoten in vlaanderen

Walnoot (Juglans regia) is een goede boomsoortkeuze voor agroforestry-systemen in Vlaanderen vanwege zijn ecologische eigenschappen. Bovendien stijgen de noten snel in populariteit bij de consument, waardoor het ook economisch interessant wordt.

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35 Use of fast growing tree species in a crop rotation

In a medium or poor-yieldingcorn-growing area, short rotation tree plantations can be incorporated into a crop rotation in order to improve the soil conditions and to increase the production of the system. One possibility for such agroforestry systems is to plant trees for biomass at high planting density. 

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36 Multipurpose use of hedgerows and windbreaks

It can be a challenge to build up a self-sustaining organic family farm operated on some ten hectares in an intensively managed agricultural area. As this case study implies, it is a work-intensive project but can be successful with proper planning and management. The family farm introduced in this case study is established on 12-hectares of land in Hungary.

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37 Post fire management of cork oak forest (Quercus suber)

It can be a challenge to build up a self-sustaining organic family farm operated on some ten hectares in an intensively managed agricultural area. As this case study implies, it is a work-intensive project but can be successful with proper planning and management. The family farm introduced in this case study is established on 12-hectares of land in Hungary.

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38 Ontwerp van een rendabel agroforestry systeem met populier en tarwe

Walnoot (Juglans regia) is een goede boomsoortkeuze voor agroforestry-systemen in Vlaanderen vanwege zijn ecologische eigenschappen. Bovendien stijgen de noten snel in populariteit bij de consument, waardoor het ook economisch interessant wordt.

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39 Agroforestry houtsnippers voor collectieve verwarmingsinstallaties

Hagen en houtkanten maken deel uit van het Franse landschap. Deze houtige elementen vormen het typische ‘bocagelandschap’ (een weidelandschap onderverdeeld in kleine percelen door hagen en houtkanten en met verspreide boomgaarden).

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40 Learning by doing and sharing, a way to improve agroforestry knowledge creation and exchange among practitioners

Knowledge transfer is one of the key axes for the development of innovative practices such as agroforestry. Agronomy, ecology, tree management, etc. are already particularly complex fields of expertise when undertaken separately, so composite subjects such as agroecology or agroforestry require an even deeper understanding of interdependent varying factors and interactions between components at the system level.

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41 "Trees in the field" as a selling argument

Agroforestry, being still a marginal form of farming now in France, is not yet well-known by the consumers. However, we now know that this way of producing food, combined with a global agroecological approach, leads to more sustainable systems. Agroforestry goes beyond simple food production, providing ecological and social services.

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42 Fertilisation in agroforestry systems

In the agroforestry systems the short-term production is often limited due to an inappropriate soil fertility management. The use of inorganic and organic fertilizers can enhance the soil fertility at the same time that the productivity of the agroforestry systems (of both the understory and the woody perennials) is increased.

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43 Shade tolerant grasses and legumes

Silvopastoral systems are designed to simultaneously produce timber/fruit/wood biomass in the long term and high-quality forage resources and efficient livestock production thus ensuring short-term and continuous cash flow.

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44 “Pastores de Galicia”, guarantee of an artisan breeding way

The “Pastores de Galicia” brand was created by the Association of Sheep and Goats Breeders of Galicia in 2015. Its objective is to distinguish in the market the lamb and goat meat produced in Galicia and associated with the use of natural resources by grazing mothers and feeding lambs and kids based on breast milk directly from the udder and cereals. 

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45 Using local breeds to add-value to meat products

The use of local breeds fed with local woody perennial resources by using silvopastoralism produce a high-quality meat product with more added value than meat coming from intensive industrial production systems. Moreover, silvopastoralism is based on resources that are only used by these local adapted breed grazers. The calf diet is based on 90% breast milk, since they are breast-fed calves, whose mothers feed on woody perennials.


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