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EURAF welcomes invitations for partnerships in future projects related to agroforestry, particularly in Europe (where we have our strongest network) but also from projects overseas. Please contact a member of EURAF's Executive Committee for any questions and suggestions.

The European Agroforestry Federation has priviously participated in European projects such as AFINET, AGFORWARD and AGROFE.


AFINET (Agroforestry Innovation Networks) is a thematic network aimed to foster the exchange and the knowledge transfer between scientists and practitioners in the agroforestry. AFINET acts at European level in order to take up research results into practice and to promote innovative ideas to face challenges and resolve problems of practitioners.  AFINET partners include universities and/or organizations from nine european countries and one international organization. The project is coordinated from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). 

Please visit the AFINET website for further information about the project



AGFORWARD (AGroFORestry that Will Advance Rural Development) is a large four-year project funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7). Twenty-six partners work under the coordination of Cranfield University. It started in January 2014 and will continue until December 2017. The objectives of the project are:

  1. To understand the context and extent of agroforestry systems in Europe;
  2. To identify, develop and field-test innovations to improve the benefits and viability of agroforestry systems in Europe;
  3. To evaluate innovative agroforestry designs and practices for locations where agroforestry is currently not-practised or is declining, and to quantify the opportunities for uptake at a field-, farm- and landscape-scale.
  4. To promote the wider adoption of appropriate agroforestry systems in Europe through policy development and dissemination (such as on this website).

You will find more information on the Agforward website.

In this project EURAF is particularly involved in the policy and dissemination workpackages. Please follow the link to learn more about EURAF's activities within the AGFORWARD consortium in 2014.



AGROFE (Agroforestry Education in Europe) is a project that aims to develop a teaching system for agroforestry formation and promotion in Europe. Under the coordination of Agrosup Dijon (France), fourteen partners are working:

  • To produce a professional book of references as a support for transfers in training with a common framework and adaptation to local or national context;
  • To create a knowledge database which will be used for training tools and resources and which will also integrate existing resources;
  • To implement experimentation in initial training in individual countries;
  • To develop a certification system for all levels of education adapted to particular country education systems and needs.

 Please follow the link for further information about the AGROFE project and EURAF's activities within the project.



The project LUIGI – Linking Urban and Inner-Alpine Green Infrastructure – Multifunctional Ecosystem Services for more liveable territories aims at shaping a transalpine network of Green Infrastructure (GI) as ecological, economic and cultural connectivity factor of rural and urban Alpine territories. The project aims to implement EUSALP political declaration by states and regions on GI. Based on EU standards for GI and ESS (e.g. MAES) and outcomes of ASP projects (e.g. AlpES, AlpFoodWay), representative GIs (traditional and modern agroforestry systems such as food-tree-based land use systems, metropolitan farms, etc.) and value-chains for goods and services are analysed, related business models, financial and policy instruments are framed and spread.

Based on harmonised procedures, representative cities, metropolitan & rural areas from six countries are covered. Findings are transferred on the transnational Alpine scale via existing networks (e.g. protected areas, LEADER, LOS-DAMA!-Alpine city network, METREX). Novel mechanisms of local empowerment, creative involvement of target groups (citizen science & design thinking), training & education of students & practitioners are set up.



Within the frame of AGFOSY ERASMUS+ project seven partners from six countries are working together to raise awareness and promote agroforestry measures across Europe. The project closed on November 30 with two fruitful years of successful collaboration. The main result of the common work is a complex yet flexible training system that provide students, farmers, landowners and tutors with useful tools to implement agroforestry measures successfully on farms.  It is based on case studies and best practices that will provide farmers and landowners with the skills, knowledge and competencies to implement agroforestry systems on their own farms and thus bring a wide range of positive benefits to land management.