RAIN Ungheria

 Il coordinatore del RAIN ungherese è University of Sopron Cooperational Research Centre Nonprofit Ltd (SoE-KKK )

Nome e  contatto dell’Innovation Broker:

Nóra Kiss-Szigeti, University of Sopron, Cooperational Research Centre Nonprofit Ltd,

9400 Sopron, Bajcsy-Zs. u.4.

szigeti [dot] nora [at] uni-sopron [dot] hutelefono: +36 30 9843787

Nome e contatto del partner responsabile del RAIN:

Andrea Vityi, University of Sopron, Cooperational Research Centre Nonprofit Ltd,

9400 Sopron, Bajcsy-Zs. u.4.

vityi [dot] andrea [at] uni-sopron [dot] hutelefono: +36 20 569 8718