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Innovative Agroforestry: workshops in the region of Tuscany, Italy

Vasyl Yukhnovskyi in the agroforestry experimental site at Centro E. Avanzi, Pisa

As part of the implementation of the Life VAIA international project "Valuing afforestation of damaged woods with innovative agroforestry", Vasyl Yukhnovskyi, professor of the Department of Forests Restoration and Melioration of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, held a series of seminars on the exchange of experience in the use of agroforestry in Ukraine. The seminars were held in the region of Tuscany, Italy at the Institute of BioEconomy – CNR Research Campus of Sesto Fiorentino (Florence) and Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa) in the period from July 7-8, 2022.


Vasyl Yukhnovskyi and Alberto Mantino at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa 

The main idea of the seminar in Pisa was to insert this event in the framework of the PhD program in agrobiodiversity ( creating a moment of discussion and interaction with researchers and students. 

The participants of the seminars listened with interest to the issues of the state and development of forestry and agroforestry in Ukraine, the regularities of the impact of agroforestry plantations on the microclimatic indicators of the surrounding territories, the peculiarities of the choosing of tree and shrub species for different categories of plantations, the technology of creating and growing plantations etc. During the disclosure of these issues, comparative analogies were made regarding the application of Ukrainian methods of growing agroforestry plantations in the forest ecosystems of Italy, especially in the forests disturbed by adverse natural factors.

Numerous questions and discussions proved the necessity and expediency of holding such seminars, which enrich the knowledge and practical skills of applying agroforestry in the economic, ecological and social enrichment of landscapes.

A day of field excursions (Una passeggiata Negli Agroecosistemi Esperienze di ricerca al Centro "Enrico") while visiting agroforestry facilities seemed interesting. Alberto Mantino, the head of the Italian Agroforestry Association, introduced the participants to the research conducted at the "Enrico" research center and the prospects for cooperation with Ukrainian agroforestry experts.

Vasyl Yukhnovskyi also got acquainted with the scientific and educational laboratories of the Institute of Bioeconomy in Florence. Great admiration was received during the introduction to the powerful Environmental Monitoring and Modeling Laboratory for the Sustainable Development (LaMMA Consortium -, which determines meteorological indicators, oceanography, and monitors climate changes. Particularly impressive were measurement systems with field, radar and satellite sensors, inverse data processing techniques and numerical modeling in the atmospheric and oceanographic domains for monitoring and forecasting at various scales, for meteorological applications including air quality, marine and climatologically. The creation of meteorological data sets is an important link in the study of the relationship between anthropogenic and biogenic influences in different environments, and the determination of strategies for mitigation and adaptation to climate change, including agroforestry aspects, territorial planning and sustainable development of ecosystems.

A visit to the educational and scientific laboratory of wood proceeding, where various experiments are conducted with wood samples of various tree species, aroused great interest. 

Vasyl Yukhnovskyi, Giorgio Matteucci and Michele Brunetti at the laboratory of wood proceeding, CNR-IBE, Sesto Fiorentino (Florence)


Doctor Giorgio Matteucci, the director of the institute, proposed cooperation between the institute of bioeconomy and NULESU, which would allow the exchange of students and scientists. In this regard, a memorandum on cooperation between institutions is being prepared.

Vasyl Yukhnovsky expressed his heartfelt thanks to Giorgio Matteucci, Francesca Camilli, Alberto Mantino, Daniele Grifoni, Michele Brunetti and all the participants of the meetings for the wonderful opportunity of communication, scientific and industrial enrichment, exchange of experience and acquaintance with the beautiful monuments of architecture and culture.

Олександр Соваков, доцент,

т.в.о. директора ННІ лісового і садово-паркового господарства