Organic dairy farmer Tim Downes, hosting an AFINET meeting
UK. Photo by Jo Smith, ORC
Mixed livestock browsing in holm oak montado
Photo by João Palma
Wild asparagus in traditional olive orchard at CRA OLI Spoleto, Italy
Photo by Adolfo Rosati
Belgium RAIN meeting
Silvoarable agroforestry under cork oak (Quercus suber)
near Portalegre, Portugal by João Palma
Walnut and Maize
Montpellier, France by AGROOF
Ploughing in between 14 year old walnut trees
Domaine de Restinclières, Montpellier, France. Photo by AGROOF
AFINET consortium field visit, in Poland
Hosted by a polish proud farmer (left), over his landscape
Biodiverse, organic farm Herdade dos Lagos
Mértola, Portugal. Photo by Ana Tomás
AFINET people planting trees near Brussels
Photo by Joana Amaral Paulo
Beef cattle farming on wooded pastures
Meet Marcin Wójcik, a farmer in the Low Beskid Mountains. His farm is an organic farm with bovine meat production where they are introducing various agroforestry practices