EURAF's Executive Committee is composed of the Executive Board (elected by EURAF's General Assembly) and the National Delegates (elected by the national associations that are members of EURAF).
Executive Board |
President |
judit [at] euraf [dot] net (Judit Csikvari) (Hungary) |
Vice President |
patrick [at] euraf [dot] net (Patrick Worms) (Germany/Belgium) |
Secretary |
manolo [at] euraf [dot] net (Manuel Bertomeu) (Spain) |
Deputy Secretary |
francesca [at] euraf [dot] net (Francesca Camilli) (Italy)
Treasurer |
claire [at] euraf [dot] net (Claire Lemarié) (France) |
Deputy Treasurer | bohdan [at] euraf [dot] net (Bohdan Lojka) (Czechia) |
National delegates and sub-delegates |
obmann [at] arge-agroforst [dot] at (Zeno Piatti) kommunikation [at] arge-agroforst [dot] at (Nikolaus Spiegelfeld) |
Belgium |
jeroen [at] wervel [dot] be (Jeroen Watté) geraud [dot] destreel [at] awaf [dot] be (Geraud de Streel) |
Croatia | |
Czech Republic |
jakub [dot] houska [at] vukoz [dot] cz (Houška Jakub) lenkaehr [at] seznam [dot] cz (Lenka Ehrenbergerová)
Denmark |
juli [at] icoel [dot] dk (Julie Rohde Birk) sk [at] okologi [dot] dk (Sybille Kyed) |
Finland |
michael [dot] denherder [at] efi [dot] int (Michael Den Herder) iiris [dot] mattila [at] gmail [dot] com (Iiris Mattila) |
Germany |
Christopher [dot] morhart [at] iww [dot] uni-freiburg [dot] de (Christopher Morhart) guenzel [at] defaf [dot] de (Julia Günzel)
Greece |
konman [at] for [dot] auth [dot] gr (Konstantinos Mantzanas) pantera [at] aua [dot] gr (Anastasia Pantera)
Hungary |
szalai [dot] magdolna [dot] zita [at] kertk [dot] szie [dot] hu (Zita Szalai) vityi [dot] andrea [at] uni-sopron [dot] hu (Andrea Vityi) |
Ireland |
maureen [dot] kilgore [at] gmail [dot] com (Maureen Kilgore) jim [dot] mcadam100 [at] outlook [dot] com (Jim McAdam) Ian [dot] Short [at] teagasc [dot] ie (Ian Short) |
Israel |
saharshimon28 [at] gmail [dot] com (Sahar Shimon) |
Italy |
a [dot] mantino [at] sssup [dot] it (Alberto Mantino) nn [dot] panozzo [at] gmail [dot] com (Anna Panozzo) |
Latvia |
dagnija [dot] lazdina [at] silava [dot] lv (Dagnija Lazdina) arta [dot] bardule [at] silava [dot] lv (Arta Bardule) |
Netherlands | piet [at] romboutsagroeco [dot] nl (Piet Rombouts) e [dot] prins [at] louisbolk [dot] nl (Evert Prins) |
Poland |
rborek [at] iung [dot] pulawy [dot] pl (Robert Borek)
Portugal |
leonardo [at] ufg [dot] br (Leonardo Santos Collier) ricveigaleitao [at] gmail [dot] com (Ricardo Leitão)
Serbia |
sasao [at] uns [dot] ac [dot] rs (Saša Orlović) dejan [dot] stojanovic [at] uns [dot] ac [dot] rs (Dejan Stojanovic) |
Slovakia |
annamaria [dot] mitrova [at] gmail [dot] com (Anna Mária Mitrová) |
Sweden |
christina [dot] schaffer [at] natgeo [dot] su [dot] se (Christina Schaffer) eaelinden [at] hotmail [dot] com (Anders Linden)
Switzerland |
mareike [dot] jaeger [at] zhaw [dot] ch (Mareike Jäger) felix [dot] herzog [at] agroscope [dot] admin [dot] ch (Felix Herzog)
UK |
t [dot] pagella [at] bangor [dot] ac [dot] uk (Tim Pagella) P [dot] Burgess [at] cranfield [dot] ac [dot] uk (Paul Burgess) |
Ukraine |
yukhnov [at] ukr [dot] net (Vasyl Y. Yukhnovskyi) Lobchenko [at] nubip [dot] edu [dot] ua (Ganna O. Lobchenko) |