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Portuguese national delegate Spring activities continues to spread the word about agroforestry

These last two months Joana Paulo, EURAF Portuguese national delegate, has been presenting research results related to montado silvopastoral systems management in two relevant national events:

i) 2nd conference on forestry management, territory and natural risks

ii) Ovibeja”, an agricultural fair

The presentation (in Portuguese) may be seen here: Conference on forestry management and Ovibeja.

During these events there was the opportunity to increase contacts with several organizations, in order to make them aware of EURAF activities and membership opportunities.

A visit to a farm in Mértola county was also made, in order to collaborate with the Local Food Network of Mértola, by invitation of the Municipality.

The meeting allowed discussing the applicability of agroforestry practices for the development of Local Food Network and forest ecosystems restauration.

Read more here in the AFINET project website. Additional farm visits will take place, hopefully allowing an increase of the number of Portuguese members in EURAF.

We will keep you posted!