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EURAF : new Board election


This year, your Federation will celebrate its 10th birthday!  Over 100 of Europe's most forward-looking agroforesters met at a constituent assembly in Paris in November 2012 to found the European agroforestry Federation. And ever since, EURAF has thrived thanks to the work of you all, our volunteers.

But we have reached the limit of what we can do that way:  after all, everyone on the board and in the executive committee also has full-time jobs! So, this year, we have decided to take the next step - and become fully professional.  By the time we meet in Nuoro for the European Congress on agroforestry, we hope to have hired our first-ever secretary-general. With the support of this new professional and the income from the two successful Horizon Europe consortia we are members of, the future of EURAF is more assured than it has been for a long time.

So now is the ideal time for fresh blood to join the board of the organisation! 

It has been COVID-delayed for 2 years, but EURAF  will finally hold a proper General Assembly on Thursday 19th May. The most important decision we will take then is to elect our new Board. 

And like any Board, this one needs new blood! 

What does it take to be a good board member? A bit of time, typically a couple of hours a week; the willingness to join online meetings and to make time for them;  and an unshakable belief that the hour of agroforestry has come. Oh, and a mastery of English, of course.

I hope I have convinced you to join us in our new, exciting new professional adventure!

Nominations must close on 3rd May. Any member of EURAF may apply. 

Please send your nomination as a PDF by 23:59 CEST, 3rd may, to mbertomeu1 [at] gmail [dot] com, using this form as your template.