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News and Events


On the 5th and 6th June, 50 delegates attended the annual meeting of the UK's agroforestry association, the Farm Woodland Forum. The first day was packed full of interesting presentations covering a wide range of topics on the theme of 'Integrating Farming and Forestry'. On the second day, delegates visited two contrasting farms.


A short document summarising what we know and don’t know about the next CAP has been produced by EURAF.  It is available online and open for comments.


Association aims to promote the implementation of agroforestry systems as a sustainable land use system. 


Over 1300 participants from over 100 countries were in France for the 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Read how did it go for some EURAF members and national delegates.


Rico Hübner, PhD in Agricultural Economics, has his research background in sustainable agriculture, renewable energies and agricultural policy.


During these events there was the opportunity to increase contacts with several organizations, in order to make them aware of EURAF activities and membership opportunities.


Combined effects are only rarely considered, resulting in a lack of integrated quantification. Here we assess the effect of rows of walnut trees (Juglans regia L.) on soil organic carbon (SOC), soil nutrient status, the presence of potentially beneficial ground-dwelling arthropods and on the yield and quality of neighboring arable crops.


Miroslav Toman was addressing the journalists in a press conference of the National Draught Coalition, broadcasted by the Czech television.


The event will showcase concrete agroforestry initiatives from across the 5 continents, sharing ideas with farmers, entrepreneurs, NGOs, local cooperatives and researchers.


Forests and other wooded land cover about 40% of the European Union territory, and the forest sector provides more than 3.5 million jobs in the EU. 


About 40 interested people attended this open field visit, ranging from farmers, neighbours and local authorities to policy advisors and teachers. Local press also reported about this regional event.


Fire Flocks brings together all public and private agents interested in the continuity of silvopastoralism, by aligning their various needs, and articulating a production and consumption chain of food products from herds with the added value of decreasing fire risk in woodlands.


The Czech Agroforestry Association, in cooperation with other organizations, has held a series of seminars and conferences related to Agroforestry. Now, partner institutions and platforms are organizing a follow-up conference at which new experience, best practices and results of recent scientific research.


EURAF’s vice-president João Palma and Pablo Silva attended the Civil Dialog Meeting on Rural Development, in Brussels, on the 27th February 2019.


Over a thousand fresh scientific insights will be presented by hundreds of speakers. Events throughout the city will bring agroforestry closer to everyday life. Field trips to surrounding agroforestry farms, tastings of agroforestry products, a gala dinner and dozens of side events will make for a busy week indeed.

Delegates attend a high-level meeting on Greening the Future CAP, 25/2/2019

Keynote addresses were given by Jerzy Plewa (DIrector General for Agriculture, Maurio Petriccione DG for Climate and Daniel Calleja-Crespo DG for Environment).  It was gratifying that all three mentioned the potential importance of agroforestry.


The Forum holds annual meetings at which there are presentations to describe the latest research, development and practice related to agroforestry and farming with trees. 


The first call for abstract will be launched by July 2019 on a website dedicated to EURAF Conference 2020 (soon available online) with further details on the conference.


The audience composed by about 80 persons from academic and non-academic institutions established a starting point for new global collaboration between Europe and Eastern Africa aiming at facilitating the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices through sharing the knowledge about agroecological principal, integrated crop-livestock and agroforestry systems of smallholder farmers in marginal areas.


Some questions like this were discussed during the interactive agroforestry workshop held on the 10th of January at Agriflanders, a well-known agricultural fair in Ghent, Belgium.